Monday, February 16, 2009

Thing 1 and 2

*I am participating in 23 things because I am a first year special education teacher, and all the extra learning I can get, I am in for. I love learning new things, and new things for my students. I hope to learn a lot of teaching ideas that are outside the box. I have a population of students who are always learning outside the box, and I could use all the ideas I can get. During thing 1, I had goose bumps watching the movie, and reading the article. It really makes you think as our world is changing, that we as teachers need to change to meet our students diverse learning needs. Going to the computer lab isn't just a "blow off" anymore, kids can do real learning in there. In no way will knowing others are reading my blog effect my writing. I have always been taught don't put anything you wouldn't want on the front page of the newspaper out there for others to read. I am an open book, and I am very excited to learn about everything this course has to offer!

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